Monday, May 7, 2012

A human first!

I'm from far east, I 'm an Indian
but a human first with eyes that may be small
but vision that is just as wide as yours
I am bearer of a true, open and welcoming heart
that you misconstrue to be wrong.

My appearance tells you a different story of mine,
but that is a choice you with a closed mind.
I have a heart too that beats for a nation,
that is just as much mine as it is yours in absolute clearance.

My attitude is reflected by serenity in lush green hills
cascading waters give music to my words and let my heart run free
but you take it as a misfit for a country in which we both reside
and I continue to prove my existence
as a citizen of land that you say isn't of someone with small eyes

Excuse me if I forget to mention,
the love and warmth I have for you all,
come to the mountains where I reside and I’ll introduce you to them all
as a true believer of life and its charm
I like to travel and know about our vast nation
so I step out from under my roof to explore
with a heart beating with dreams that I plan to see take shape

I go from home to home within our common land expecting nothing but love
as I was apparently wrong to believe in 'unity in diversity' touted here
and signs of unity fade away completely when I am held at knife point
for reasons as bizarre as a flower planted with roots pointing to the sky

It all comes down to a simple introspection if you may choose to do
why am I not allowed to wear the identity of a human who dreams to live just as you?



  1. well written with a lot of genuine concern. i am sure you will do well in content creation.
